The Pakistan,
India and UK Friendship Forum hosted their 5th
Annual Dinner at the House of Lords with its
usual cordial atmosphere of friendship and
mutual respect. The message of the dinner was
“Friendship is the only way forward”. It started
with the national anthems of Pakistan, India and
Britain and one minutes silence was observed in
the memory of the victims of the horrific floods
in Pakistan.
The host, Lord Popat, welcomed the guests and
commended the initiative designed to build
bridges between the British communities of
Pakistani and Indian origins. He said he was
delighted to support and endorse this initiative
as it benefitted society as a whole.
Dr. Ashraf Chohan, Secretary General stressed
that all the pending disputes between India and
Pakistan should be resolved peacefully in a
friendly manner as it will bring a lasting peace
in the Sub Continent.
Lord Nazir Ahmed also emphasised that everything
could be resolved peacefully but with mutual
respect. He also asked the Indian Government to
liberalise their visa regime to encourage people
to people contact between the two countries, as
it would not only strengthen ties between the
two nations but also benefit each other.
Lord Diljit Rana gave the example of Northern
Ireland where political boundaries remain but
signs within Ireland have been removed so people
can now move within the provinces freely and
unhindered without any animosity or threat. This
removal of land boundaries has helped community
cohesion tremendously and has brought peace in
the trouble torn region. He said we could learn
lessons from such a policy to benefit our
respective countries.
Sir Gulam Noon praised the initiative of the
organization. He stressed that it was in the
interests of both the countries, India and
Pakistan to forge better relationships with each
other in order to strengthen each other’s
economies with mutual co-operation which would
also bring about respect and harmony. He said
that no benefit could come from conflict. He
also spoke about the warm Pakistani hospitality
he experienced at every visit and encouraged
more Indians to visit Pakistan and experience
this warm hospitality for themselves. He said
this would enable us to overcome the hostilities
caused by man made barriers.
The Chairman, Dr. Rami Ranger, spoke about our
founders who made two countries to benefit their
people and not for them to become rivals. This
rivalry was not only damaging each other, but
also effecting relations in countries where we
had settled in considerable numbers. He further
added that it was about time that we drew a line
under this rivalry and started to work together
for the benefit of our next generation. He said
if we could build a bridge of friendship between
India and Pakistan, then we could easily cross
our differences.
Cllr. Kemal Butt, Patron of the Forum, praised
the work being done by the Forum and said he was
pleased to lend his support and to bring 3
British communities closer to one another who
now live side by side. He stressed that Britain
must not suffer due to our differences.
The Guest of Honour the Rt. Hon, Dominic Grieve
MP, Attorney General, presented the awards and
congratulated everyone for their achievements.
He praised the contribution of British Indians
and Pakistanis and acknowledged that their
presence has enriched Britain in many ways. He
was optimistic about our historic ties
strengthening with the initiative launched by
the Pakistan, India and UK Friendship Forum.
The forum presented awards to individuals who
had gone the extra mile for Britain.
MKC Trust received the award for Roko (Stop)
cancer initiative and for charitable work in the
awareness and early detection of cancer. The
award was collected by the founder, Mr. APS
Sterling Media, a PR company started by Ms. Teji
Singh was recognized for promoting diversity in
Britain through Bollywood. The award was
received by Ms. Natasha Mudhar, Managing
Director of the Company.
Dr. Yasmin Sheikh MBE was recognized for
encouraging various communities to work together
and achieve success in Britain with their work.
Mr Ikram Khan, former President of the UK
Pakistan Chamber Of Commerce and President of
the Pakistan Cultural Society for promoting
diversity in UK with his work. He was proud of
the fact he introduced Pakistani mangoes to
Britain and also the promotion of Halal meat.
A special award was presented to the Armed
Forces in Britain for their immense sacrifices,
gallantry and valour. The award was received by
General Sir David Richards, Chief of Defence
Staff. He thanked the Forum for recognising the
contribution of our Armed Forces who serve
everyone regardless of race or religion. He said
Britain must forge closer links with India and
Pakistan because of our shared history. He
reminded guests that we had fought shoulder to
shoulder in both the great wars to uphold human
freedom and that we all owed each other a debt
of gratitude and above all to our Armed Forces
who pay supreme sacrifices for our liberties.
A cheque of £3500.00 was presented to Mr Waqas
Chughtai on behalf of the Edhi International
Foundation UK to support the relief efforts for
the victims of the floods in Pakistan.
Mr. Arif Chaudhry, Founder of the Forum said on
his visit to India he was convinced that our
people needed “bread and not bombs” and as a
result, he started the organization to bring the
two communities closer for the benefit of
The Rt. Hon. Tony Baldy MP was delighted with
his appointment as the next President of the
Forum and promised to work hard to strengthen
ties between the three communities.
Ms Norma Stevenson, Chair, Labour NEC, was
delighted to support the friendship initiative
and said that she has attended many events and
dinner but never attend one like this which was
designed to build bridges in our fractured
The vote of thanks was given by the Co-Chairman
Dr. Ahmed Shahzad OBE. He thanked the management
of the House of Lords for the splendid
arrangements and all the guests who had taken
time out of their busy lives to support the
friendship initiative. He praised the
Parliamentarians for lending their support to
the Pakistan, India & UK Friendship forum which
can only benefit mankind.